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Ruth Bonetti

Ruth learned to conquer the platform jitters in her international career as a professional musician; during her interactive presentations, she demonstrates projection, timbre and posture by playing her clarinet.


A Music Performance graduate of the University of Queensland (B.Mus. and M.Mus.), Ruth further studied, performed and taught during seven years in Europe. Her teaching experience spans tertiary, secondary and primary education including 15 years Adjunct Lecturer in clarinet and pedagogy at Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University and adjunct teaching in Sweden, France, Germany and England. She is an experienced adjudicator and has examined for the Australian Music Examinations Board during the past 15 years.

Bookcovers-Sounds and Souls-Practice-Con

Ruth performs with Brisbane Symphony Orchestra under the baton of music director Antoni Bonetti and together with husband Antoni, in Quartetto Bonetti.


Ruth is now a full time speaker and writer, travelling extensively to present her seminars across Australia and internationally.

Ruth shows how to anticipate and channel adrenaline to lift presentations from the merely mundane to exhilarating, enriching communication.

Whether you perform in front of one, or one thousand, from executive to student, CEO to trainer, all benefit from Ruth’s practical, simple and empowering techniques to ensure success through poised, self-confident delivery.

Ruth empowers people to project with poise, free from vocal tension – so their success sings!

How would you describe yourself in 5 words? Words and Music, anything creative.


What makes you smile? My grandsons’ photos on my screensaver and their singing videos (Twinkle, Gingerbread man, etc)


What scares you the most? Perhaps not a scare,  but creative block. Tough with nothing ticking in my head, heart and psyche. 


Are you a bathroom singer?

I’m a frustrated singer. I envy their rhythmic follow-me freedom. Their over the top dramas.


What type of music do you like to play the most?

Chamber music, with its interaction between players.


What type of music do you like to write the most?

My teaching feeds into problem solving ideas for students.


Do you have time to just noodle around and play for yourself or is it always work

right now? Noodle? I wish. 


How do you describe what you do professionally?

Portfolio. My mantra is "life is never dull". And clarinettists tend to multi-skill.


Are you doing today what you dreamed of when you were younger?

Yes, and way beyond! If I knew as a shy teenager where I could and would progress, I would have run for the bush in fright. But hey, what a journey! (See my memoir “Midnight Sun to Southern Cross”)I wrote it in my books, especially "Midnight Sun to Southern Cross”. And in "Sounds and Souls: How music teachers change lives” (as it SO does.) Short story: music performance+ teaching+workshops+adjudication+examining+parenting… Oob la di, oob la di, life goes on..  In the brave new world of COVID, music performance is limited. I continue to encourage music students through teaching (please God, may we be spared another bout of Zoom?) (And yet, hey, we did it!, way out of our comfort zones!)


How do you describe what you do professionally?

Even before COVID, I’ve been drawn to the Words aspect of my Words and Music. After procrastinating, I’m fired to write another book. Watch this space.


What advice do you have for someone who wants are career doing what you do (or hope to do!)?

Be flexible! Innovative, enterprising. Think outside the norm. As I read/sing to my grandsons, “Can’t go over it, can’t go under it, we have to go through it!."


Where do you think you will be after 25 years?

Still productive in whatever aspect of my portfolio is then relevant. Probably a dribble of students, as I value the people-contact. Still writing, still creating. Life is good. 

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